I would rather say something about where I am than where I'm not. I am in ministry with my wife to bring about radical change in the way we do marriage – not just "us" as in me and her; all of us. Even if you "do marriage right," the way that your experience is shared with other needs to change.
My marriage was horrible a number of years ago and help was not easy to find. Being in ministry made help harder to find. We were shown mercy and we got some assistance, but we will make sure that others don't find aid so difficult to find in the future.
We will do that by coaching couples through spiritual change that will lead to radical change in relationships. We will accomplish that by helping churches develop ministries that focus on marriage. We will promote and develop pre-marriage ministries for universities and communities. We will be proactive in every way to:
- Minimize the occurrences of divorce.
- Maximize the percentage of homes characterized by marital holiness and joy.
I'm not in "local ministry" anymore. Since 1984, ministry for me has been primarily about local churches. I was a youth minister for a church in Vicksburg, MS; and I preached for churches in Winona and Steens, MS; Cleveland, Tennessee; and Yukon, OK. As of June 30, 2010, my ministry has changed. Because JeannaLynn and I have a particular fondness for couples in ministry, my prayer is that twenty years from now, we will have helped untold numbers of preachers and their wives continue in ministry that otherwise might have collapsed because of unhealthy marriage.
You can follow the links on the side to What God Has Joined Ministries to see what we are about. We have a blog there, too. I'm going to continue to post on this blog because preaching and things pertaining to preaching are in my blood.
Pray for this new direction, please. Come back soon. There are a couple of things I've got in mind to write here. That's Life at Work.