The five year Bible School plan called for a quarter-long study on the book of Numbers. Even the staff complained: "Numbers? It's thirty-six chapters of self-centered people who whined every time they didn't get their way! I'll hate that! Give us something relevant!" (see Discipleship Journal, Spring 2008, p. 78)
"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice" (Prov 13:10).
Pride, the root of selfishness, is the breath behind quarrelsome words. The Israelites did whine about everything, it seems; and so do we. If we don't get what we think we deserve fast enough, we complain. If we experience some discomfort when someone else could have prevented it, we moan. When we are convinced that something should go one way, and someone else thinks it should go another, we quarrel. When our weaknesses are exposed, we argue out of defensiveness.
Self-centeredness (pride) precedes destruction because quarrelling wrecks relationships (Proverbs 16:18). Humility leads to greatness – for yourself and your relationships! That's Life at Work!
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