Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Right Thing at the Right Time

"It's a great moment when someone has the character to do the right thing at the right time" (Pam Knox, Western Oregon Softball Coach in interview with ESPN).

Coach Knox was commenting on the actions of Mallory Holtman and Liz Wallace. They play for Washington State and were in a playoff game against Knox's Western Oregon team. Western Oregon's SarahTucholsky, a senior, hit her first homerun as a college player against Washington State. As it turned out, it would be her last at a bat as a player. In her excitement about the homerun, Sarah failed to touch first base. As she turned to go back, her knee didn't pivot, and she tore her ACL so badly that she could only crawl to first. For her run to count, though, as rules were understood by the umpires on the field, she had to touch each base and none of her teammates or coaches could touch her.

Mallory Holtman and Liz Wallace from the opposing team asked the umpires if they could carry Sarah around the bases. As there are no rules against that, Mallory and Liz carefully scooped Sara from the ground at first based and carried her all the way home, setting her left foot on each based as they passed. Sarah got her home run.

Mallory and Liz got the attention of ESPN and a nation full of people who love sports – and long to see character. "Let your light shine," Jesus said, "so the world may see!" That's Life at Work!

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